*Cleaning Equipment Scotland (CES) is a trading name of Lothian Power Clean (LPC)*
On all orders we try to get them to you in as quick a manner as possible.
Please see below our delivery times and charges below:
Standard Delivery: £6.00 1-3 working days
Free Delivery on all orders over £150.00: 1-3 working days
In some cases your order may ship direct from our suppliers warehouse instead of ours (This will be stated on the product page). We still aim for these orders to arrive with you within 1-3 working days.
*If your order qualifies for free delivery please make to sure to choose this option at checkout. Delivery charges are non-refundable if incorrectly chosen*
Next Working Day Delivery: Contact 01698 889709
All orders for next working day delivery must be placed before 11.45 AM Monday-Thursday
For orders going to the highlands & islands we highly suggest contacting us to discuss this as we may be able to offer a better delivery price than the fixed fee charged at the online checkout depending on where exactly the item is going.
We can offer other delivery services if you are requiring an item urgently. Please contact us on 01698 889709 to find out more about our delivery options.
In the unlikely event that your item is out of stock when ordered your chosen delivery option will take effect from when the ordered item comes back into stock.